Monday, 4 October 2010

WOOHOO Great news.

Grafik Magazine is returning the the grave. The next issue will be available in January 2011. Great news to hear it's coming back!

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

What time is it?

I was wearing 2 watches for some reason today. Not really sure why. Towards the end of the day i looked day and just started laughing. Why am i wearing 2 watches? Why?


Its been ages since i've posted anything on my blog!

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

New Blood here we come!

Portfolio done.
Bags packed.
Van packed.
Train booked.
Ipod charged.
London here we come!!

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Have ewe seen my cat?

I went to a new vintage shop called Hey Baby, Chief Panda in Heaton yesterday. Whilst i was there i notice a poster which looked rather familiar. It turned out to be a poster for the Eh? exhibition, which has already been and gone sadly. I really liked the poster (good job Monic!) so i thought i would post it on my blog for everyone to see. Thats if anyone visits my blog? Im pretty lame at updating it so it would surprise me!

Friday, 11 June 2010


What a great night we all had, the opening night was a huge success. Well done to Monic for curating the entire exhibition as part of her final major project. The exhibition housed over 20 pieces of student work from Northumbria University.

Well done Monic!


Awarded ISTD Membership

I have recently just discovered that i have been awarded membership into the International Society of Typographic Designers (ISTD) for my submission for this years competition. I will be traveling down to London at the end of the month to accept my award, very exciting!

Check out my website to view more

Friday, 12 February 2010

Head Over Feet In Love mock up

The final fully screen printed book will be on my website very soon (When i get round to photographing it). The book was basically there as a guide, so we could see how we wanted it to look. A lot of changes were made along the way which involved using a lot of post it notes.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

School of Design Exhibition

I have recently been featured in the Northumbria School of Design Exhibition with both my theatre poster and collaborative book being featured in it.
Featured work
Head Over Feet In Love.
A collaborative piece of work with Sarah Horsley, Aimee Johnson, James Prorok and Andrew Sinclar. Six fully screen printed limited edition books were produced.
Shakespeare Theatre Posters

Monday, 8 February 2010

Britain under many blankets of snow

It's hard to believe this is Britain and not the Arctic. I found this image of a very snowy Britain on the guardian website a couple of weeks ago and was amazed by it. The image was taken in space by Nasa and shows how bitter the winter has been so far. There are some more images to see if you click here.